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Unit DeLaFitsCommon

Type type

T08u = Byte;
T08c = ShortInt;
T16u = Word;
T16c = SmallInt;
T32f = Single;
T32u = LongWord;
T32c = LongInt;
T64f = Double;
T64c = Int64;
T80f = Extended;

TA08u = array of T08u;
TA08c = array of T08c;
TA16u = array of T16u;
TA16c = array of T16c;
TA32f = array of T32f;
TA32u = array of T32u;
TA32c = array of T32c;
TA64f = array of T64f;
TA64c = array of T64c;
TA80f = array of T80f;

TABol = array of Boolean;

TAStr = array of string;


DeLaFits declares synonyms for standard integer and real types. Synonym name format: character "T" + byte count + representation. Representation of numbers:

  • f - floating-point
  • u - unsigned binary integer
  • c - two’s complement binary integer

Methods for reading and writing data use dynamic array types of numbers, but DeLaFits does not bind your project to the use of these types. Use explicit typecasting in data access methods.

var Chunk: array of Double;
SetLength(Elems, CountElems);
Image.Data.ReadElems(IndexElems, CountElems, TA64f(Elems));

See Also

Get Started, Example 2