PAscColumn | Pointer to TAscColumn type |
PFormatLine | Pointer to TFormatLine type |
PHistogramBucket | Pointer to THistogramBucket type |
PPaletteTuples | Pointer to TPaletteTuples type |
TA08c | A one-dimensional dynamic array ShortInt |
TA08u | A one-dimensional dynamic array Byte |
TA16c | A one-dimensional dynamic array SmallInt |
TA16u | A one-dimensional dynamic array Word |
TA32c | A one-dimensional dynamic array LongInt |
TA32f | A one-dimensional dynamic array Single |
TA32u | A one-dimensional dynamic array LongWord |
TA64c | A one-dimensional dynamic array Int64 |
TA64f | A one-dimensional dynamic array Double |
TA80f | A one-dimensional dynamic array Extended |
TABol | A one-dimensional dynamic array Boolean |
TAscColumn | Table column parameters from ASCII-TABLE extension |
TAstr | A one-dimensional dynamic array string |
TBitPix | The bit depth of data values |
TBound | A Record, isothetical rectangle defined by minimum and maximum integer point |
TBuffer | A one-dimensional dynamic array Byte |
TCard | A header line: structure of an 80-character string |
TClip | A polygon defined from 1 to 8 real points |
TDesignPoint | A scene point for affine transformations |
TDesignShift | Shift value for affine transformations |
TEndianness | A platform byte order: big-endian or little-endian |
TFmtMeaCoord | The format of Right Ascension: degrees or hours |
TFmtRepCoord | The text representation of Right Ascension and Declination: decimal or hexadecimal |
TFmtShortDate | The short format of Date representation: YY-MM-DD or DD-MM-YY |
TFormatLine | The parameters of parse and compose lines of the header |
TFrameBand | The tabular values of the mapping function: physical pixel value (amplitude) to color space value (palette) |
THistogramBucket | Histogram item: physical value and frequency of the frame pixel |
THistogramBuckets | Histogram data: array of THistogramBucket |
THistogramIndexRange | The dynamic range of histogram data |
TMatrix | A square matrix [3 x 3] of affine transformations in the system of homogeneous coordinates |
TOrderType | HDU order in FITS container |
TPaletteIndexs | The mapping a frame data (two-dimensional array of physical pixel values) in color space (palette indices) |
TPaletteTuple | Palette item: RGB-value |
TPaletteTuples | Palette data: array of TPaletteTuple |
TPix | Coordinate (X, Y): an integer point on the plane |
TPixmap | The mapping a frame data region in the palette space |
TPnt | Coordinate (X, Y): a real point on the plane |
TPntsClip | Array [1 .. 8] of real points |
TPntsQuad | Array [1 .. 4] of real points |
TQuad | Quadrilateral, the polygon defined from a 4 real points |
TRegion | A rectangular region of the frame defined by the top-left integer point and integer width and height |
TRepNumber | A physical representation of data values: integer or floating-point numbers |
TSliceDateTime | Part of TDateTime type: Date and Time, Date only or Time only |